The Vance's Journal

"I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Well that was a bust.....

well homecoming was this weekend and let's just say it didn't go as planned..... My date was this new girl named Katie who I had some feelings for hence me asking her to the date. I got out of work at 7, bought her a dozen roses and rushed over there to pick her up because the dance started at 730, I get there and everything is going good we head out to the car and go to the dance. She mentions something about Joe coming and she wanted to hang out with him a little and me thinking nothing of it had no problem with it. so she goes off and hangs out with Joe for a bit and i go and talk to my friends for a little bit. After a while i go get some punch and go to find her only to find her with Joe, his arms around her slow dancing. So after cleaning up the punch I dropped I promptly went back to my friends and vented for about a half hour. And to make things work she was giving away the roses I had bought her. So at about 10 I decided to leave and me and a friend of mine left, we left Katie there to fend for herself maybe get a ride with her new "Boyfriend" I dunno I don't care. So that's my post I hope y'all enjoy my pathetic weekend.


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