The Vance's Journal

"I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The History Books Don't Lie.....

Christopher Vance was the biggest gangster since Al Capone.
... afterward, Christopher Vance tried to get on the price is right and failed.
'How will you be remembered in history books?' at

Dusting out the cobwebs a bit.....

wow has it really been almost a year since I posted on this thing? It's been so long that they changed my layout. Wow a lot has happened since my last post. Namely I'm not at shaws anymore, I quit around last June. I now work at CVS and I love it. I just recently got promoted to Merchandiser which means I build endcaps and such. For all of you that know about my mum and her disease. We had the transplant a few weeks ago and everything is going great. I just got back to work last friday and it's gonna take a bit to get back into the swing of things but that's to be expected. I've been hardcore addicted to the video game City Of Heroes and I've been playing it for about 7 months. I've been playing in my brothers supergroup called E-Branch. I'm an officer over there so theres a lot of responsibility. That video game and work have pretty much taken all of my free time away as of late. I'm gong back to school in the fall. I'm going to be living on campus I simply can't do the commute to South Portland everyday. Not with today's gas prices. My car's inspection is due at the end of the month and I can't afford to fix it up enough to pass inspection so we'll see how long it takes them to spot the nitch in the sticker ran out. Sooo yeah not much else really, just recouping after the surgury. Getting stronger everyday. I'll post more if anything earth shattering happens. Now that I've found this thing again I'll probably be posting more. Mahalo

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Just a general update.........

Just thought I'd give a general update. Went over to bakery a few weeks ago and it's pretty cool to be honest. It's a lot different from the front end and the time seems to pass by more quickly over in the bakery. I think this department shift was just what I needed to get me out of my funk. I've got patrick for the weekend this weekend, that should be interesting. He's an awsome kid and all I just don't know what I'm gonna do for 3 days, You can only take someone to the park so many times. The good thing is mom'll be here and she'll know what to do. We'll probably watch cartoons together and I know i'm gonna take him out visiting. I'm also afraid of crushing the poor child at night because my bed's not all that big......So we'll see how that goes. Mom's gonna have her Kidney's out next week, she says she'll be out for at least a week so I'll be here alone all week, just me and the cat. I'm a little scared about how that's going to turn out. Hopefully everything goes ok, I think i'm just being a worried jewish mother here but it's how I am in these types of situations. Bought Final Fantasy VII Advent Children last week and It was amazing. If any of y'all are Final Fantasy VII fans out there you need to buy this movie, It will blow your mind. That is all....

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Plot Hole I noticed in Batman Begins........

Historically Jack Napier (AKA The Joker) kills bruce waynes parents, then becomes the Joker and Bruce puts 2 and 2 together and they become rivals and such well in Batman Begins Jack Napier is shot and killed after his trial and then at the end of the movie they say theres a new evil that leaves behind Joker cards on his victims, now how can that happen if Jack Napier is dead??? also Batman is supposed to be the person who creates the Joker by accidentally pushing Jack into a tub of chemicals and this never happens so how can the Joker exist????? Does anyone else notice this?

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Hello from DSL Land!!.........

Greetings and Salutations from the land of DSL!!! I installed DSL at home today and it is fabulous!!! After running dial up for close to 4 years now DSL is amazing!!! That is all....

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining........

This phrase was what I wanted to say the the lovely people of AAA yesterday because of their wonderfull customer service. I suppose y'all are wondering what I mean? of course you are you just don't know it yet. I let my good friend sue borrow my car so she could take her daughter Kierstyn to see her boyfriend/fiancee person thing. Those of you who know who Kierstyn and Sue or know of them through my stories know who I'm talking about. Well they take off and approx. 15 minutes later we get a call from them saying that the car blew a tire and they can't get the lug nut off and that I need to call AAA and get them down there to help. So I did and they said that since I wasn't there on the scene their wasn't anything they could do. So I said fine and we traveled to Exit 15 where they were stranded and I called AAA a second time and they said that because of the first call that they have in their system there's nothing that they can do because I wasn't on the scene at the time of the incident and that there is no way of proving that I was on the scene or not, how they didn't hear all the semi's and cars going by honking is beyond me. So I got into a 15 minute bitch fit with them. We then had the brilliant Idea of popping the other tire (which we didn't do BTW don't fret) so I asked him if that would count and would they come down in that instance. And the supervisor said no it wouldn't because of the initial incident report. So I ended up hanging up on said supervisor who wasn't all that super in the first place. So we tried spraying the nuts with WD-40 and found a lug nut wrench that fit tighter on the nuts and it got them off. We thought we were in the clear but the tire was stuck and wouldn't get off. Keep in mind that all this time we had a 1 year old and a 4 year old in another car behind us in the breakdown lane. So Sue decided to take them home in the other car because they were getting fussy and cold so Kierstyn and I waited by the car for a friend of hers who was coming with some tools to help get it off. So needless to say he got there and managed to kick hard enough that the tire came off and we put the donut on and went on our merry way. We get back to bath to Emily's dad's benefit dinner to raise money for her and her family because as I'm sure many of you know her dad died of cancer a couple months ago. The dinner went fabulous btw. So we get out of the dinner and I go to sit in my car and the seat is stuck in full recline position it's just floppin around so I dunno what's wrong with it but I have to sit up when I drive with no back support until I can figure out what's wrong with it. So that's all, that's my weekend i'm now going to sit down to a nice steak and unwind. I will post later, try not to pull your hair out. Tune In Next time same Vance Time, Same Vance Channel.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Farewell Mr.Fife........

As I'm sure many of you may know Don Knots died the other day.I'm not quite sure what he died of but it is sad to see such a great actor go. I remember as a child watching Andy Griffith and Barney Fife thwart the evil in Mayberry. Or even later on on Matlock when he would make the occational appearance. I used to watch the Scooby Doo show when he would make the occational appearance. My favorite movie used to be The incredible Mr. Limpus. It was an incredible loss and he will be missed greatly.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

updates and such.........

well I figured I'd update because theres not much to do around here while I wait for comptech to start. I've found myself stuck in a rut lately. mostly with work, the same routine work day after work day. Don't get me wrong I like my job and it pays fairly decent but standing there scanning things all day, day after day get's really monotonus after a while. So I asked my manager last week if I could get a transfer over to deli as kind of a break from routine and she said she'd ask and yesterday she said they were all full so i'm back to my scanning. It's weird, when your pushin carts you can't wait to be a cashier then you become a cashier and your bored out of your gourd. Hell if they schedule me for a bottle shift it's pretty good because most of the time i'm not on register except for the occasional spurt of busyness. other than that i'm in my own little world in the bottle room tidying things here and there, changing machines when they get full. And i'm basically my own boss in there. I dunno I guess it's kind of expected when you work at the same job for a while you get kind of bored. I also haven't been getting shit for sleep lately. I fall asleep fine I just wake up and feel like I was just in a mosh pit or something and i'm tired as hell. It takes me at least a period and a half to fully wake up. and it's not like I stay up till all hours of the night I go to bed at like 10:30 and have to be up at 10 of 7. Maybe I have sleep apnea like mum i dunno. Been building a computer lab in automotives the past few weeks and it's been like pulling teath the whole way. Had to drill through concrete which sucked, messed up my shoulder for a few days. At first they wanted me to use a hand drill for it and I told them it couldn't be done because It would burn out the engine in the drill and i'd probably hurt myself so I went down to the woodshop and borrowed a hammer drill and went back and told them that this is what you use to drill through concrete. Got my state tax return yesterday ehich was nice. It gave me a chance to get a few things done to my car. I got new head light bulbs, spark plugs, fuel system cleaner. Now all I have to get done is the rear sway bar and a little bondo work done on the underside of the trunk. whelp I should wrap up this post it's almost time for comptech to start.