The Vance's Journal

"I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

You know what really grinds my gears?

You know what really grinds my gears about 2005? The country and how it’s being run in general. To start off we re-elected a president who had a horrible first term and the only reason we re-elected him was because a few people saw him as a visionary because of the “way” he handled things at 9-11. I will give him this he did come out with that address at the end of the day that sounded like Clint Eastwood at the end of one of his movies. Basically saying “We will find you, anyone who works for you, your family and we will kill you”. I know he was trying to strike fear in the hearts of these terrorists but it didn’t work, we eventually lost him in some mountain. And because our wonderful president has some major A.D.H.D and can’t focus on one project for more than 5 minutes we had to go into Iraq and take out Sadaam, who wasn’t a threat to us at the time by the way. He hasn’t been a threat to us in a good 4 or 5 years when we had the weapons inspectors in there looking for WMD’s. Bush claims that we went in there to look for WMD’s but I think the only reason we went in there and still are in there is so that Bush can add another territory to the already growing American Empire and to fulfill his terrorist quota. He keeps saying that “we’re gonna pull out, we’re gonna pull out”, yeah ok we’re gonna pull out but only when Iraq has a government set up that we like and that we can still control 5 years down the road. This brings me to my next point, the whole passing of the Patriot Act which was supposed to “protect” America’s freedoms by monitoring what we check out in the library and what we do in general. So don’t go checking out Catcher in the Rye or Terrorists for Dummies at your local library or else you’ll be getting a call from Big Brother asking you why you hate your country and why you want to blow it up. And come to find out our lovely president has been abusing the patriot act, yes the president did something wrong you can pick your jaws up off the floor now, it was found out that he was putting secret phone taps on the average citizen’s phone. This was a total invasion of privacy and was not part of the Patriot act I don’t think. But he tried to justify this invasion of privacy by saying that he did it for the good of the country. Everything he seems to do is for the good of the country, when in reality gas prices are close to 3 dollars a gallon, the economy’s going into the crapper and the world hates us. Thank you Dubya for doing this all for the good of the country, I don’t know what we’d do without you. Well I’m going to wrap up this rant; I hope you’re a little bit more informed about what really grinds my gears about 2005.


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