The Vance's Journal

"I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters

Saturday, December 25, 2004

X-Mas and stuff

just thought i'd do a holiday update about christmas and stuff. Had to work christmas eve until 6 which wasn't to bad then we went to Betty's house to open presents from them, I got PJ's and a wallet and a magic pen! then we went home and I went to bed. I couldn't sleep all night and finnaly ended up getting up at around 6 and dubbin around the house for an hour and a half when mom got up. we opened presents which took all of 15 minutes. I got more than I thought I would, I got a patriots hat, a t-shirt, underware, and a few pairs of pants. I then went over to Mary's house and played sants over there passing around presents. i gave mary a set from village candle which included a teddy bear and a 6 oz. candle of Warm apple pie which is one of my favorites. and she got me a cool little necklace, those of you reading this will most likely see it next time I see you. then after a half an hour later I went back to the house and we loaded up and went down to portland. took me 5 trips to bring in all the presents but it was worth it. I tricked my mom into believing the printer I got her for christmas was really for my brother and it totally worked. I got a new computer from my brother that he put together for me himself which totally rocks. I also got the half life collection which totally pwns! I also got a red sox t-shirt from my dad and $50 which was pretty cool. My mom loved the bowl I made for her in woodshop and the Bourne Supremecy I got her. Yvonne's been thankin me for the past couple hours about the display case I made 'em. I'm really glad everyone likes the shit I made and got for 'em cause I have to be honest I was gettin a little worried. well y'all I gotta get goin and eat dinner. I'll update later.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

The Slacker Hath Returneth

I know it's been a while since the update but not much has been going on around here lately.... been into flash heavily and have been crankin out a few projects. all of which can be viewed at btw. Mary and I got back together a couple weeks ago and that's goin pretty good. We're goin to Mohiba Ball tonight which is a formal dance that always comes after Mohiba. (see earlier posts to find out what Mohiba is). Been working A LOT only got 2 days off thie whole week. Today I work 9:30-2:15 ack. But it's Christmas money so I guess that balences it out a bit. I've still gotta do a lil bit of christmas shopping, gotta get Mary,my grandmother, my nephew and my mom's friend betty something. I've already got my mom and my brother and sister in law already taken care of. Been workin on a Music Video for S.T.A.T with a few buddies of mine for Bohemian Rapsody and it kicks major asseth so far. I get arrested by the principal and vice principal for wearing a hat,it's just awsome it's gonna come together nicely. I would've liked to have gone down to portland to see everybody tomorrow but I have to work, blasted shaws. That's ok I asked for thurs-sat off next week, I actually had a reason untill I realized that Mohiba was tonight as opposed to next week and my chorus concert is next thursday and I just wanted another day off. But all these hours do have an upside, the head of front end said that she's gonna be training new Cashiers over christmas break and I told her i'm very interested and she said she'd keep me in mind. So I've got high hopes! Well I gotta get goin I have to leave for work in a half an hour and i'm not even dressed yet. I'll update more I swear!