The Vance's Journal

"I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters

Friday, October 15, 2004

Just Felt like updating

yeah it's been a while since I've updated so I figured I'd update. My nephew turned 1 on Wednesday and we're all excited. We're going down to their house on Sunday for a little get together. We're gonna open presents and such and just have a mini-celebration of my nephew Patrick's birthday. I put the finishing touches on my Horror movie for S.T.A.T class today and I have to say it's pretty friggen sweet. I'll hopefully be burning it onto dvd's soon, I have a feeling this will be my yearly Christmas present to everyone. The black and white aged effect I put on the movie is awsome, it makes it look like a really old movie. And it's Silent! which is awsome because you don't have to worry about bleeps and a shit load of editing you just put seperate cards in the scenes when they say something that's important to the script. I watched a little of the debate on wednesday and it was the most brutal of all! Kerry got Bush all fired up, you could tell that Bush was pissed, he got a little red in the face it was pricelsess. I only watched a half an hour of the debate before I fell asleep on the couch but I have to say this and I know Yvonne's gonna be upset when I say this but Bush did pretty good this time around, he wasn't stammering as much, his responces were well structured. I'm still all for Kerry don't get me wrong I'm just saying that Bush did pretty good this time around. Kerry on the other hand was just as kick ass as he's been since the first debate. But the period is about to end so I'm gonna say adios for now and I'll update later.


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