Finally gettin around to the update
sorry for the lack in update peoples but it's been uber hectic with Mohiba and work and such I haven't gotten a minute of peace and quiet to update. But now that Mohiba's over and I don't work again until friday I thought i'd update and tell y'all what's been going on. For those of you who don't know what Mohiba is it stands for Morse High Bazaar which is basically a talent show with no judges. I was in the second act with a few chorus buddies of mine and our act was called the M notes, we were an all male choir and we sang Unchained Melody, there was 6 of us and apparently the M notes has a history with Morse. It started about 5 or 6 years ago I believe. Anywho we rocked the house Friday and Saturday night which brings me to my lack of weekend last weekend (meaning the past few days last weekend). Ok here's how it breaks down, see if you can follow me here, Friday I had to work 4-7 at Shaws them immediatly drive to Morse for Mohiba from there, got out of there at about 9:30, Saturday I thought i'd have at least one day of resbit, WRONGO!, about noon time my moms friend Betty calls us up and asks if we can help her with her bathroom sink, it keeps dripping and she tried to fix it and forgot to shut off the main and she just took a cold shower from the bathroom sink and flash flooded the bathroom so mom and I said alright and I grabbed my slot wrench and my vise grips and headed over....long story short the parts Betty was assured would work didn't..... so about 4:30 rolls around and I call break because I have to get to Mohiba to change and do some S.T.A.T stuff so I go to Mohiba from 5-about 10ish, come home and crash. Sunday I had to work at shaws 10-4 was wiped from that,came home, crashed on the couch until about 8, ate dinner, go to bed cause i'm still wiped from work. Mohiba,betty's faucet and more work so I'm still waiting for my weekend to start!!! It's not very nice at all. I'm hoping for a very restfull,relaxing, lazy vacation and I'm gonna use all of my power to make sure that's how it playes out..... well I gotta jet, gotta wake mom up out of her dead sleep then maybe hit the hay a little early. I'll talk to everyone later