X-Mas and stuff
just thought i'd do a holiday update about christmas and stuff. Had to work christmas eve until 6 which wasn't to bad then we went to Betty's house to open presents from them, I got PJ's and a wallet and a magic pen! then we went home and I went to bed. I couldn't sleep all night and finnaly ended up getting up at around 6 and dubbin around the house for an hour and a half when mom got up. we opened presents which took all of 15 minutes. I got more than I thought I would, I got a patriots hat, a t-shirt, underware, and a few pairs of pants. I then went over to Mary's house and played sants over there passing around presents. i gave mary a set from village candle which included a teddy bear and a 6 oz. candle of Warm apple pie which is one of my favorites. and she got me a cool little necklace, those of you reading this will most likely see it next time I see you. then after a half an hour later I went back to the house and we loaded up and went down to portland. took me 5 trips to bring in all the presents but it was worth it. I tricked my mom into believing the printer I got her for christmas was really for my brother and it totally worked. I got a new computer from my brother that he put together for me himself which totally rocks. I also got the half life collection which totally pwns! I also got a red sox t-shirt from my dad and $50 which was pretty cool. My mom loved the bowl I made for her in woodshop and the Bourne Supremecy I got her. Yvonne's been thankin me for the past couple hours about the display case I made 'em. I'm really glad everyone likes the shit I made and got for 'em cause I have to be honest I was gettin a little worried. well y'all I gotta get goin and eat dinner. I'll update later.