The Vance's Journal

"I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters

Monday, January 17, 2005

And now the rest of the story.......

sorry got a little paul harvyish there for a second. for those of you who know who that is anywho. Well I thought i'd get around to the update, not much has been going on, been having a few computer malfunctions with my new computer that my brother made me but that's minor, everything else has been going good however. Finished my big flash project for the flash festival we're having up here at the end of the month. Check it out at my stat site and lemme know what you think. . things have been going awsome with mary, I can safely say that I love her now. theres really no dought in my mind at this point. we've spent an uber amount of time together lately and it's been amazing. I dunno what it is, it just clicks. it feels like she makes me whole when i'm around her and i'm half a man when i'm not. She get's me and loves me for who I am, unlike kathleen who tried to make me change and forget my friends. but anyway enough of the sappy stuff on to the rest of the post. Been feelin kind icky the past few days, had a scratchy throat and coughing a bit, hope it doesn't amount to anything because I don't wanna have to miss work or school, really need both :-). Well gang I've gotta get goin mary just called and i'm gonna head on over and hang out with her for a bit. i'll update later. And that was the rest of the story....